Carol is one of our older parishioners and has had some debilitating health problems recently, making her unable to attend daily Mass like she has been. Her homebound eucharistic minister noticed that the shrubs were starting to impede access to and from her home, and Father Ed asked the Knights if we could help. Dave Parent volunteered to act as Brother in Charge, and several Knights came out between July 18-21 to help. Here are some pics of the Brothers in action:
How it began.
Phil, Cowboy, Cowboy's wife Jani, and Gary
Phil, Cowboy and Jani
Dave leading the charge!
Jani making sure Gary leaves some vegetation standing
Phil showing the callow youth how it's done
Dave cleans up while Carol wonders who is going to get rid of all the bags? (J/K, Dave had it covered and the bags were removed to the curb before pickup on Monday)
Job finished: Phil and Dave went the extra mile to spread some new mulch over the weekend.
This was a big lift for the guys. Pulling off a job like this with little notice is a testament to the Catholic virtues of the Brothers involved and reflects extremely well on them, our Council, our Priests, and our Parish. Thanks to Dave, Phil, Cowboy, Gary, Jani, and also to Bill L. for getting the pictures!