Holy Family Council # 6831, in Leesburg, Virginia, is hosting an in-person Degree Investiture Ceremony (exemplification), on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 7:30 PM, at Saint John the Apostle Parish Center Auditorium.
Attending a Combined Degree Investiture Ceremony, (either virtually or in person) is a requirement to become a member of a Knights of Columbus Council. During the ceremony, candidates receive lessons on Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. These lessons explain what it means to be a Knight of Columbus.
New member candidates, and all current, first and second-degree, Brother Knights, in our council, are invited to attend the Combined degree ceremony, to attain full 3rd degree, Knighthood.
Ceremony participants/candidates, should arrive at 6:50 PM, to sign in. Family and your guests are welcome to attend and witness the ceremony. All attendees should be seated by 7:25 pm.. The ceremony will begin, promptly at 7:30 pm.
Attire for Candidates and male observers, is jacket and tie. Equivalent attire, is requested for female guests.
Following the ceremony, there will be a lite reception, for all event attendees.