Posters must reflect the theme of Keep Christ in Christmas with a visual image.
There is no limit to number of posters each contestant may submit.
Each poster should be the original work of a single person.
Poster should be approximately 11×17 inches. However, contestants will not be disqualified based on poster size.
If pastels, chalk or charcoal are used, the poster must be laminated or covered with clear plastic.
Fill out the entry form (we are Council #6831) and submit along with your art work.
The name and age of the entrant should be printed on the reverse side of the poster in case the poster and entry form get separated.
Posters become the property of the Knights of Columbus and cannot be returned (they are mailed to the Supreme office for judging at the regional level).
Posters and forms must be turned in no later than December 1, 2023 or at the KofC Breakfast with Santa Event on December 2.
Drop off completed entry forms and poster in the collection tray located at St John parish center.